Mental Health & Wellness Resources

Image by Delapouite on game-icons


Mental Health Support & Information

Head to Health :

Government-run portal with resources and support options.

Black Dog Institute :

Research, clinical services, and resources on depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

SANE Australia :

Support, resources, and advocacy for people living with complex mental health concerns.

ReachOut :

Specific support and information for young people.

Image by Delapouite on game-icons


Mindfulness & Wellbeing

Smiling Mind :

Free mindfulness meditation app and programs.

The Resilience Project :

Programs and resources to boost wellbeing and resilience.

This Way Up :

Online courses and resources to support a variety of mental health concerns.

International Resources (US) :

Official US government website with information and resources.

Mind (UK) :

Comprehensive mental health information and support in the UK.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH - US) :

Leading research institute, with resources and information on mental disorders.

Additional Notes


Always dial 000 (Australia) or your local emergency number if immediate danger is present.

Professional Support:

The resources listed here shouldn't replace qualified mental health care from a medical professional.